Category Archives: In English

My 2024 insights on self-learning

While I read a lot, for a long time I was beating myself up internally for not reading enough books. Becauase the common perception is that complex books are the height of intellectual output, because the shorter the piece (essay, article, post, etc.) – the junkier it is. But it is no true for two main reasons.First, […]

The Best of what I read in 2024

If asked from memory, the best writer for me in 2024 is Cedric Chin from Commoncog – not the first year I mention him in my Top. The most highlighted articles of 2024 were The Idea Maze is a Useless Idea, When Action Beats Prediction, Don’t Read History for Lessons, Becoming Data Driven, From First […]

Before Product-Market Fit, there is no Sales

I see lots of job openings in sales within seed-stage companies, and my experience working with them suggests it results from widespread confusion among early-stage founders. In a nutshell, most founders think that if a product is ready to be sold, the company needs salespeople. Why do I think it is wrong? Because: it is typically a founder’s job […]

Rewire Your Ocd Brain

Managing obsessive behavior  By now you have a good understanding of your body’s defense response and how that leads to anxiety and fuels obsessions. So how do you use that knowledge to live a more fulfilling life? First, it helps to review a situation when your internal alarm goes off. Remember, false signals can trigger […]

Magic Words by Jonah Berger

first trick in the bag: using words that activate a sense of identity. One way to do this is to use nouns instead of verbs. In 2008, political strategists used this principle to increase voter turnout. Instead of encouraging people to “vote,” campaigns talked about “being a voter.” It worked: voter turnout rose by 15 percent. […]

Will trip planners ever become good enough?

Several years ago Valentin Dombrovsky translated Nadav Gur’s article about travel planning startups. I’ve read it several times since then and shared it in support of the exact same argument “you should never consider creating a travel planning startup”. Yet there are some travel planning services in the market that have survived Startups Death Valley. And there are dozens […]

Продолжение про постановку целей, выжимка из книги Leadershift, автор – John Maxwell

8 лет назад я написал о том, почему постановка целей – не лучший способ движения по жизни. Это – по-прежнему актуально. А сейчас довелось узнать похожий взгляд на это же, только с другой формулировкой. Ниже – выжимка из книги Leadershift, автор – John Maxwell. (не понял, почему пишется то mindset, то mind-set – оставим на […]


After I had planned my trip at home I supposed that it is one-day Kuala Lumpur visit that would the most interesting part of the program (Hong Kong, Bangkok, Phuket, Kuala Lumpur). But I didn’t expect how much. December 30th was one of the best days of my life.